Time Management Training - Proving That Time Management is of the Essence

 In today's hurried pace of life, if there is anything we all lack consistently, over geographies, genders and economic strata, it is time. This is particularly true among the urban, corporate sections, for whom managing and utilizing time fruitfully has probably become the most challenging of all tasks.

Statistics reveal the business impacts of time loss, A study conducted in 2007, covering 2,500 businesses over four years and in 38 countries, revealed that wasted time cost UK businesses 80 billion pounds every year, as much as 7% of GDP. The reasons for wasted time were inadequate supervision of resources, faulty management planning, poor communication, IT problems, low employee morale, or a mismatch of skills.

No wonder then that time Training Maintenance has started to make its presence felt, with corporate trainers organizing workshops, trainings, seminars and even residential trainings on the topic of time management. Since time management enables each of us to be more productive and fulfilled, time management trainings are naturally in great demand in the corporate world.

Time management trainings usually start with steps like costing your time and identifying you time lag to see where you actually lose your time. The workshops then encourage you to prioritize your tasks, and finally developing an action plan to manage time better. Time management trainings also use tools like activity logs, and prioritized to do lists. Activity logs help you analyze how you actually spend your time. Participants are encouraged to record the time they spend on every type of activity, even spending time at the coffee machine, or chatting with colleagues, or even checking mail. Some programs also involve the maintenance of a stress diary, in which participants are encouraged to note how they feel, whether tired, alert, or energetic along with each activity.

Once participants have logged in their activities for a few days, they are asked to analyze their logs. Once they have the data on paper, participants can then prioritize their tasks, so that they can carry out the more challenging jobs in the times of the day when their energy levels are the highest and they are feeling their best. People are also advised to minimize the number of times they switch between tasks, and to reduce time spent on even legitimate personal activities. Both the activity logs and the To-Do lists are valuable tools in organizing time and planning tasks.

Time management workshops also focus on removing the procrastination habit, resolving conflicts, managing deadlines, time pressures, and heavy workloads, learning how to delegate tasks, managing distractions and interruptions, and using your energy cycle to the optimize your personal tasks and goals.

Many of these seminars and workshops use powerful speakers and presenters who can make a significant difference to the way your team or your employees look at the issue of time management to enhance and optimize their personal goals and those of the organization or of the business. So if you find that you are losing out or your organization is not achieving its best because of an issue with managing time, waste no more time in picking time management training right away!


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