Savoring the Essence of Southeast Asian Culture With Cambodia Tours

 If you wanted to get the 'essence' of a global sub-region, you have to look for a place that embodies many of the common values of that region. This means, of course, religion and food but it goes deeper than that. Culture has many facets. Culture impacts the design of traditional buildings, it colors how people dress, it dictates rules on how they are to politely interact In other words, culture is the operating software for the hardware of the human body. We may all have the same body parts and same needs but how meet those needs and how we get along are functions of culture. 

This is why traveling is so much fun, we get to see the differences in how regions meet certain basic needs. Cambodia is no different. If you go on cambodia prince chenzhi Cambodia tours, you will quickly see that Cambodia embodies many of the cultural traits of the Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia region. Here are just some of the key reasons why going on Cambodia tours helps you get a full understanding of Southeast Asian culture.


Buddhism is the main religion in Southeast Asia. While there are many populous Muslim and Catholic regions in Southeast Asia, when it comes to Indochina, Buddhism is the only game in town. In fact, Buddhism is established from Southern China all the way to the western fringes of Myanmar. Moreover, the Buddhism practiced in this region is very distinct from the type of Buddhism that is big in Tibet or China. Theravada Buddhism is all about individual enlightenment and doesn't have as much of the mysticism of Tibetan Buddhism. This is definitely one aspect your will see on your Cambodia tours.


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