Couples Therapy Made Simple

 Immature love is loving someone for what they do right; mature love is loving someone is spite of what they do wrong.

Couples therapy made simple is about offering an approach to therapy that is accessible and doesn't require deep thinking or deep insights (something that most people find too difficult to use and apply) to be effective. On the other hand it is not for couples who are so foolish as to deny it when they need help or too blameful to fight it when it is given to them. It is also not for newly trained therapists who feel they need to listen to and indulge finger pointing and stupidity for fear of ticking off their clients.

After years of seeing partners who were too blaming and excuse making, or who saw themselves as victims with no responsibility for any of their parcoach problems... And after becoming exhausted at stepping in to stop them from acting on a self-destructive or couple destructive impulse, couples therapy has become much simpler and clearer. However it is not for everyone.

It is not for couples in whom rather than being committed to making their relationship stronger and better, each or either of the partners has to be right and has to get their way. It's natural for people to want to be right and get their way and to be disappointed when they don't. It's even natural for some people to need to be right and get their way and to be upset when they don't.

Each of those can be tolerated, talked through and even gotten over. However whenever one or the other partner has to be right and get their way, anything that threatens them with either being wrong or not getting their way will be experienced as an assault and they will do anything they can to defend their position, resist and fight back.


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