Teen Sex

 This is a dialogue (not verbatim though) from a movie I recently saw on TV. It was very realistic, surely caught my attention, and inspired me to write this article.

Just like this girl in the movie, I had sex when I was 14. The only difference between me and her was that I was having sex with only one guy and that I didn't get a disease. Still, a lot of her thoughts were my own thoughts back then, and for sure these are your thoughts too... in a way.

There is something about sex that makes us really curious about it at a young age. It makes us wonder how it feels. It makes us think that we become more mature when we engage in it. And sexanzeigen schweiz just like what this girl thought, it makes us think that we can gain popularity through it.

When your friends start sharing their sexual experiences with you, you begin to wonder how it really feels. And most of the time, people will paint a real nice picture in your mind even if they didn't enjoy it. Guys brag about it; and so do girls. Nobody will ever talk about their bad experiences with it.

Having sex for guys make them feel like they've conquered something. It makes them feel like real men. For girls, it's totally different. She starts feeling good when the guy starts wanting her. She doesn't really look at it as sex. She looks at it more of getting his attention and being wanted by this guy. This is what the 14 year old girl in the movie meant when she said that the feelings of the guys for her last for a minute. Then she starts wanting the attention again, which is why she eventually keeps giving in to it.

Regardless of age, guys and girls will always be the same. I remember one saying that goes: Guys give love in order to get sex; Girls give sex in order to get love. In short, men are lustful beings and women are emotional beings. You put these two needs together and you have teenagers whose hormones and testosterones are easily triggered.


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